Sunday, January 24, 2010

Post about yesterday

1.Cut hair with Jon, and Cheng Yang

2. Lunch with Jon, Cheng Yang and Wong Lei Kam =p haha..

3. Went for Karaoke with Stefanie, Jon and Lee Jim ..surprisingly..Lee Jim sang like Wong
Lee Hom..haha...he's good =p

4. Dinner with Jon and Lee Jim..its the former Siang Siang..for crying out loud..never go there
if you're a teenager..the people there discriminate you if you go there without an adult
accompanying you..sickening == ..the food so little..and yet its far more different if an adult
orders the same thing for the same price...especially the stall which sell seafood etc. ==

5. Went to Lee Jim's house..haha..wanted to watch Sherlock Holmes but ended up watching
some crap ..haha..its funny but its crude la..haha

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