Monday, December 13, 2010

Friend-ships ..are they really invunerable and unsinkable ?

Once upon a time, i heard from others that friendship is the only thing you rely on when you're outside home, it provides companionship and it creates unbreakable bonds, it could be the vital thing that keeps you alive out there, friends are the shining stars that will light up and spice up our lives. It is true..but this does not apply everytime.

But sad to see that nowadays, true friendships does not exist in an abundance. Nowadays, i heard friends scamming friends, friends using one another ,friends that "suck you dry", friends that exploit each other ..sad la -.- .. Sad to see the term "friendship" is being trampled upon -.- .. Sad to see that they have a sad life because they do not have true friends . It might not be new , but it is happening to me so yea learning to adjust myself..hrm..

Back to paper in less than 40 hours .

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